research & education
advancing knowledge & leadership
Examine the unconventional paths of female leaders with creative and conscious leadership.
Expand understanding and application with how vertical learning impacts improved agility and capacity with creative and conscious leadership.
Grow visual intelligence as a competitive capability to allow leaders new ways of seeing and communicating complex information.
Highly creative people never grow up from their imagination, resist the status quo, feel deeply, and can think and speak in stories.
awaken your creative brain
Brain Pop.
The Kid In You.
It's the shallow end, with a gradual entry point, eliminating some risk and offering an invitation to access original thinking.
The journey into the wild unknown can be unfamiliar. But an open mind can be playful and relaxed. Filled with wonder and possibility.
Free your imagination, release the grip of your ego, channel your inner kid-like zest, and start creating!
Push past linear thinking to fuel social creativity.
The brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text and the sheer volume of data overload can make processing actionable comprehension challenging and often leaders reach a data saturation point. Visual thinking intelligence provides a competitive advantage.
Self-expression and authorship continue to shape social media and user-generated content. A multi-literate ecosystem empowers every individual to have a voice and enables greater use of creative capital with externalizing internal thinking and ideas.
Evolving digital changes along with a hybrid work/learn environment are provoking and testing new capabilities and social connections necessary for brainstorming, meaning-making, and discussion that involve visualization.
VQ helps leaders and teams break down the cognitive, cultural, and social aspects of building visual intelligence.
grow your visual intelligence
The 2020 publication of Visual Quotient helps leaders and teams break down the cognitive, social, and cultural aspects of building visual thinking methods that enable critical and creative thinking while fostering inclusive outcomes. Visual thinking integrated with design thinking offers a powerful process for leaders to examine complex issues.
Dr. Michele Mercer
High sensory intelligence is a gift of absorbing all environmental details, being attuned to the subtitles and exchanges with others, fostering deep curiosity, inward urgency to pour out creations, and hearts made of tissue paper, full of empathy.
high sensory processing
High sensory intelligence is a genetic trait exists in 20-30% of the population and has more active mirror neuron brain cells that easily detect the emotions of others. The brain is wired to be particularly observant taking in much more environmental data than the non-HSP brain. This brain activity causes increased depth of sensory processing given the vast amount of information the brain and nervous system is tracking and absorbing.
A heightened response to stimuli is activating the middle temporal gyrus which is correlated with a continued state of emotional meaning-making and processing which can often lead to unique and insightful connections with people and data. The trait is often associated with high intuition and the ability to see things coming before they happen, comprehensively can interpret situations, and having a strong sixth sense.
The ventromedial of the prefrontal cortex is also more finely tuned and activated, thereby increasing emotional vividness, which is the intensity of internal emotions. This is the ability to pick up on subtle emotional cues internally with self and others. Individuals with this trait of high sensory processing and intelligence have gigantic capacity for empathy and it can appear as deep listening, genuine care, conscientiousness, thoughtfulness, being able to read people astutely, and pick up on energy very quickly.
High Sensory Depth Of Processing
High Sensory Empathy
High Sensory Nervous System
High Sensory Intuition
high sensory processing
High Sensory Processing Woman Of Color + Conscious Leadership
Research Invitation
Inquiry Research Question:
How does the trait of high sensory processing and being a woman of color influence your conscious leadership?
For those with the trait of high sensory processing and are a woman of color, I am inviting you to partake in a qualitative research interview series. With your consent, this would be a 60-minute semi-structured zoom interview and exploratory conversation to understand your own emergent experience.
How do you experience workplace leadership effectiveness as a woman of color with a trait of high sensory processing?
What is your identity experience with the trait of high sensory processing and being a woman of color?
What role does “conscious confidence” play during challenging situations in the workplace and leveraging your high sensory processing trait?
How do you experience increased levels of sensory processing being a woman of color?
For more information and details please contact me michele@1340.org
HSWOC Educational Interview Series
If you know of someone in this audience, please kindly pass along this invitation for an inclusive reach.
*creative leadership *awaken your creative brain *storytelling visualization * high sensory processing * visualization.next * women in leadership * emotional intelligence * design psychology * leading from the inside out
*creative leadership *awaken your creative brain *storytelling visualization * high sensory processing * visualization.next * women in leadership * emotional intelligence * design psychology * leading from the inside out
[Involving imagination, original ideas, the power to create, recognize alternative possibilities]
[Awake within oneself, aware, emotionally & spiritually intelligent, perceiving, authentic way of being]
[Radical change, interrupt, break the normal course, think the unthinkable, unconventional strategies, emergent]