Conscious Leadership Strategies
Consider a few ways to expand conscious leadership with self, team, and at the organizational level.
Immerse into complex environments
Become aware and consistently explore your inner state
Stay open when difficulties arise, study yourself
Map your psychological development of growth
Work to resolve trigger areas
Assess where the team is with a conscious leadership continuum and how to build vertical learning for capacity
Create a team plan for micro growth and experiments
Become a cohort for the Six Laws of Conscious Leadership Accelerator
Assess focus on vertical learning vs horizontal learning
Build leadership development focused on how a leader thinks & feels versus solely on what they know
Develop a conscious culture credo
I Am The Thinker And Not The Thought.
That insight, at a deep level of awareness, is enough to cause a change in one's consciousness and a spontaneous change in one's biology.
Deepak Chopra