Conscious Leadership Accelerator



Combining the art + science of leadership, the conscious leadership accelerator offers a fresh perspective on leading with heightened awareness, increased inner agility, improved leadership flexibility, and aligning purpose, values, and action. The lab series shifts from what we do, to who we are, allowing participants a psychologically safe and expansive space to step back and revisit their leadership approach from a much more authentic perspective focused on their inner currency.

The highly interactive monthly lab series offers leaders an opportunity to strengthen interpersonal awareness, self-perception, and broaden their leadership mindset with vertical learning to build multi-faceted capacity with leading marketplace business challenges and change.

Leadership is a complex dynamic that is perpetually evolving, so regardless of level, investing in a leadership tune-up ensures the extinction of "I am above the law" with how I am evolving to be a conscious-centered leader. While cultivating radical self-awareness is subjective, insight can be elusive, and research shows we often don't know ourselves as well as we think we do. The aspiration of conscious leadership demonstrates the ability to grow and the insatiable capacity to become more.

This five-month lab series is for leaders who are ready and desire to scale up their leadership strategies and seek transformation from the inside-out.



The law of connection provides a safe space to slow down, show up, be present, and evaluate the connection with self and others. The ability to connect and show up for ourselves first includes evaluating our inner agility with situations, gaining self-awareness, perception checking, considering how the message sent is not always the message received, and becoming aware of how inner disturbances can project outward. Often we are so focused on delivering external results, we can lose touch with our inner core.

Session: Trio Breakouts, Journey Map, Accountability Connection Partner (Optional)


The law of growth gives permission to visit the expansive state we desire to be, how we sometimes fall short, the ability to release the grip on the ego's story, shift into a new narrative and tweak the aspects of the behavioral traps we can fall into under stress. Participants have the opportunity to evaluate where/when they lead from above the line or from the masks they wear and gain radical awareness by aligning thoughts, words, and actions for conscious leadership shifts.

Session: Trio Breakouts, Conscious Leadership Narrative, Accountability Partner


The law of purpose allows the opportunity to gain clarity with what has heart and fire. Falling into ruts is easy and course correcting takes intentionality. Purpose combined with talents and gifts becomes the intersectionality of serving the world. A shift in consciousness occurs when we align our highest vision as a force of transformation. Participants identify a deeper purpose in self, work, life, and any barriers or limiting beliefs in the way, and set a call to action with an experimental project to begin manifesting conscious and mission-based work in the world.

Session: Trio Breakouts, Ideal Scene, Vision Map, Accountability Partner


The law of creation is the ultimate force of imagination, vision, and talent to contribute to what matters most. Staying unconditional and exploratory, participants ask how they can serve, how they can help, and what feels integral and fulfilling. Whether an internal shift, starting a non-profit, taking on a new role, starting a business, or getting back in touch with dreams that have moved to the back burner, participants explore an area to move forward with support as they shift to higher levels of conscious leadership and contribution.

Session: Trio Breakouts, Purpose-Driven Community Experiment, Accountability Partner


The law of change offers the invitation to advance forward versus hanging onto the past. The power of choice and personal responsibility are highlighted as participants explore learning lessons, accessing intuition, and identifying areas within self, work, and life that need to change or shift for growth and advancing conscious leadership. The focus of ownership with manifesting one shift helps set self-transformation into action while observing self with progress/response.

Session: Trio Breakouts, Self-Transformation Relationship Project, Accountability Partner


The conscious leadership accelerator offers leaders a monthly focus on different areas that shine the light on what it really means to be an authentic leader and exploring congruence with one's true self. Participants have the opportunity to expand their conscious leadership practices and gain mindset shifts while obtaining clarity on how courageous acts within themselves can change.

Releasing the external noise and ego patterns that keep us in a limiting story provide participants a way to take small steps or bold actions with what to let go of first to support growth for increased conscious leadership capacity and authentic leadership development.



  • Explore multiple dimensions of leadership with authentic self-inquiry.

  • Gain awareness of how inner leadership reflects outer leadership.

  • Understand how to work with triggers and the learning line they represent.

  • Examine the ego's story and its impact on authentic leadership.

  • Gain deeper insights through social learning and diverse perspectives reflecting feedback.

  • Build intentionality with a conscious leadership growth plan.

  • Option to be matched with an accountability connection partner for ideas, progress, and inspiration.

  • Highly interactive lab sessions with trio breakouts, activities, and working on real challenges and scenarios.

  • OPTIONAL ADD-ON: Emotional Intelligence EQ-i 2.0 Assessment

  • OPTIONAL ADD-ON: The Leadership Circle 360 Assessment

Join Us For A Leadership Cohort!


5 Laws Of Conscious Leadership



5-MONTH ACCELERATOR + EQ-i 2.0 Assessment & 5 Coach Sessions

Leaders Who Want To Combine The 5-Month Conscious Leadership Accelerator With Emotional Intelligence. EQ Profile Report Snapshot Focuses On Self-Perception, Self-Expression, Interpersonal, Decision-Making, & Stress Management. EQ-i 2.0 Assessment + 5 Coach Sessions.

5-MONTH ACCELERATOR + The Leadership Circle 360 & 5 Coach Sessions

Leaders Who Want To Combine The 5-Month Conscious Leadership Accelerator With The Leadership Circle 360, Providing A Deep And Comprehensive View With Creative & Reactive Competencies. The Leadership Circle Profile Offers A Snapshot Of How Behaviors & Mindset Are Enabling/Constraining Leadership Impact. The Leadership Circle 360 + 5 Coach Sessions.

Additional Assessment Administration Costs Apply.

Does Your Leadership Team Or Organization Have Unique Needs For Growing Conscious-Centered Leadership?

If so, please contact us for a customized leadership experience that advances growth, radical self-awareness, and builds conscious cultures. We look forward to working with you and designing a best-in-class leadership program that scales, closes the capability gap, and improves business outcomes.

Becoming conscious of underlying assumptions, beliefs, judgments, and unconscious bias starts by looking for what you are not seeing.